Beginning DancePowered

Sundays |  January 19, 26 | February 9

Ready to move in the New Year with Me?

I’m offering Beginning DancePowered Classes for 3 Sundays in the New Year!

This will be a fusion of dance fitness meets beginner dance class.
I’ll teach a few songs from my signature DancePowered class at a slower pace, breaking down all the moves, and giving tips and foundational support for each one. So you’ll get to dance a lot, and learn at a slower pace!

Each class is one hour only.

Time: 11:15 – 12:15
Place: Viva Arts in West Seattle
Cost: $20

Venmo @JenniferCepeda_Productions


SATURDAY | FEB 8 9:45AM – 10:45PM

Live in or know anyone in/near Tacoma who’d be interested in joining?  Please send this link over to them to spread the word in Mom-Groups, FB Groups or communities who’d love this class! I’d really appreciate it!

Simple Dance Fitness Choreo by Jennifer Cepeda